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Bible Studies with Virginia


Six Ways to Find

Unforgiveness and Remove It 

by:Joyce Meyer


I totally enjoyed this study on forgiveness, it helped me to see where I was and am holding a lot of unforgiveness in myself. I wanted to share it.


 Most all of us like getting promoted, and there's nothing wrong with that. But sometimes we fail tests in certain areas that keep us from getting promoted.If someone has hurt you, don't spend the next 10 years of your life hurting yourself by hanging on to that offense. Most likely, that other person isn't even thinking about you, while you dwell on the incident for years. That only hurts one person—you.


You see, when you forgive someone, you are helping yourself.To help you understand the importance of forgiveness, here are six ways to detect unforgiveness in your own heart. Once exposed, you'll be one step closer to your personal promotion from God.


1)Unforgiveness always keeps score.In Luke 15:29, the elder brother of the prodigal son said, "Look! These many years I have served you." Peter wanted to know how many times he had to forgive someone. Unforgiveness is always looking at the score. But 1 Corinthians 13:5 says, Love takes no account…. It doesn't count up the evil done to it.Back in the early days of our marriage, when Dave and I were fussing and fuming at each other, I would bring up stuff that happened years before and Dave would say, "Where do you keep all that stuff?" Well, I had a place, and it was all in there eating at me. And every new thing Dave did wrong would get added to this list, and it kept growing until it became a bitter giant in my heart.


2) Unforgiveness always boasts of its own record.In Luke 15:29, the older brother of the prodigal son says "These many years I have never done wrong." Judgment always says that I always do good and others do bad. An unforgiving spirit keeps us from God's best for us.


3) Unforgiveness always complains."You never do anything for me." Ever catch yourself thinking that about someone? This attitude only sees what others aren't doing and doesn't see what they are doing. God's Word clearly shows thatwe're not supposed to complain. And if you're continuously using your mouth to complain about some incident of offense, you won't get past it. Don't waste time by complaining.


4) Unforgiveness has a martyr syndrome."I do all the work." Workaholics are particularly susceptible to this one. Sometimes people who work all the time and don't know how to enjoy their life get jealous when other people are enjoying life. Is there someone who aggravates you when you see them having a good time? If yes, you could have unforgiveness toward them.


5) Unforgiveness always alienates, divides and separates.When the kids are acting up, we say "my husband's kids" or maybe something like, "What are you going to do about your son?" Those are divisive statements. Maybe you have a coworker who you stay away from as much as possible or a sibling you don't talk to much…why do you separate yourself from them? Maybe you need to forgive that person.


6) Unforgiveness is always envious and jealous when angry at someone who gets blessed.If someone who has hurt you gets a blessing, it grates on you…at least it did for me until I learned how to forgive. Forgiveness is a decision—not a feeling.When you pray for people who have hurt you, it's a choice. But there's healing in that for you. Bless and do not curse them means to speak well and not evil of them when that person is not around. And be good to them in various ways as wisdom allows.Improve Your LifeI want to encourage you today to make a decision to start living a lifestyle of forgiveness and refuse to be offended.A forgiving lifestyle helps you become more like Christ. As you learn the importance of forgiveness and begin to practice forgiving others, your heart will heal from bitterness, and your personal growth will lead you to the promotions God has planned for you.

Ive gathered up some bible studies and resources that have helped me out significantly throughout my life. This is the page I will post these studies on. If you have a subject that you'd like to see on this page please email at

Who is

March 27, 2014


I saw this question on a board I read at times. This is the answer I gave.

Who is Jesus and what is Christ? Well, in my view and how I comprehend it, by listening to my heart and reading the word of God. Jesus was in the beginning with God and was God. I also believe we were with God in the beginning of time (I’ve known you since BEFORE you were in your mother’s womb). “Jeremiah 1:5 New International Version (NIV)5 “Before I formed you in the womb I knew[a] you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.” And “John 1:1 [ The Word Became Flesh ] In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God”. I think that when “sin” came into the world (which I feel was already here) God wanted his children back with Him, so came in the form of his children to save us from ourselves.


How I understand it, is that sin was here already but it “entered the world when Adam and Eve turned their back on God and His ways. All through the bible, and we can see it in life, people screw their own lives up most of the time. Yes, bad things like cancer, a car accident and so on can happen without our help, but I think making dumb decisions is on that list. What our MINDS think “bad” or “sin” is I feel that God’s definition is completely different. When Adam and Eve sinned the consequences of Eve sin was that she would “desire her husband”, and her “pains for child birth would increase”.  This is also associated with "death", "the wages of sin is death" I think if something is increased there was going to be pain in the first place before sin entered into the world. Wow, and so many woman put their lives down for a man, a husband, becoming a doormat or even if it’s not being a doormat so many of us woman treat our husbands, sons, brothers as if they were God and they are not.


Women need to make sure to desire God and everything else will fall into place. “Genesis 3:16 (KJ21) | 16 Unto the woman He said, “I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception. In sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee.” Which shows what “Christ is, the Messiah, which is Savior (definitely not a last name LOL). I believe he “Jesus” saved the WORLD as a whole with the sacrifice of himself and by obedience to God, which is Jesus, so Jesus listened to himself and we need to (that still small voice).


That still small voice that guides us. We tend to ignore that voice and do what our flesh wants to do. But we are no longer living by the flesh if we walk with God. I feel that everyone has been saved they just need to receive the salvation by faith if they want to live a rich fulfilling life here on earth. I feel that Jesus is God, our brother, man and savior. He is the first born among MANY. I hope I didn’t offend anyone and I hope that I communicated this correctly. I’m not too good at writing.

© 2017 by Virginia Peirce

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